Self-love is something that is absolutely infuriating, hard, and downright one thing everyone has a tough time with. Personally I don't go through one day without having a single thought about what I could do to better myself either in looks, the way I treat people, or my abilities in the gym. However this is life and self-love is a journey, a process, and an everyday goal.

Through CrossFit my ability to love myself has grown roots throughout my entire life. It stems from my confidence and weaves its way through touching my relationships and my passions.

For the past 2 years CrossFit has been a big part of my life. I've studied it, I've tested my limits through it, I've spoke about it, and I've centered my identity around it. In a sense I've learned a lot about myself through fitness and find it to be absolutely beautiful.

Beauty now is categorized so differently compared to years past. It can be defined by aesthetics and outer appearance but to truly be beautiful is to carry yourself with confidence in who you are.
After 2 years blogging hiatus, I'm back. First of all let me say that right now my site is a work in progress and no where near completion. However I'm playing with design and ideas everyday.

I am transitioning from a full on blog (ode to The Undecided Girl days) to a website catered solely for the purpose of showing my life in public relations, marketing, as well as my design work. The professional elements will be accompanied by lifestyle and personal posts about yours truly. In a few short words this site is where my portfolio meets everything I absolutely love in life.

The goal is to provide various types of content so anyone can come see the work I've done but also enjoy learning more about me and what I do in my personal life. I am a firm believer that if your professional life doesn't mesh well with your personal then morale is low, thus the reason for a whole new site revamp.

In the mean time, you can keep up with me on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Bare with me, friends.